Friday, July 1, 2011

Reliable migration of archives with PoINT Storage Manager Software

PRLog (Press Release)– Jul 01, 2011– Companies facing the challenge of migrating from obsolete archive systems are extensively supported by PoINT Software & Systems GmbH. The software company offers, in combination with PoINT Storage Manager Software, the related knowledge for successfully completing migration projects. This set up guarantees a consistent operational workflow during such projects - applications and users can continue working without any interruptions.

Archive migrations are probably the most unpopular projects in the field of work of an IT-administrator. Due to high complexity there is a great danger of things going wrong and project schedules are quite often exceeded. Additionally, system downtimes can occur and costs may end up being significantly higher than expected.

The reasons for migrations of electronic archives are manifold: On the one hand, legal retention periods are for several decades, on the other hand storage technologies become obsolete after approx. 5 years. Furthermore, the costs for support contracts required to keep the outdated storage hardware alive may increase over time. In addition, steadily increasing archiving volumes force companies to migrate present systems into new ones with higher capacities. To generally abandon archive systems is not an option as every responsible manager should be aware of the enormous risks for his company and himself related to such behaviour. Such problems are being addressed by the product PoINT Storage Manager developed by PoINT Software & Systems GmbH. This solution allows transparent archive migrations in the background without interrupting the operation of any applications. This procedure is managed via several methods: By the standardized file system interface, (CIFS share of the PoINT VFS) the archiving hardware is abstracted for users and applications - therefore migration can be performed in an automated manner as background processes. Another supported approach is the "migrate after Link" migration. Whereby, in the new archive system initial references ("links") are created which refer to the data in the old storage system. Thus direct access to already archived data via the new archive system is possible. In a second step, which is not time-critical, data is copied in the background – and these "links" are substituted with "real" data. Once the migration process has been finalized the obsolete storage system can be shut down. Depending on demand and concept the customers can decide whether to further use the advantages of the PoINT Storage Manager after migration or solely for migration purposes.

As each migration project depends on specific customer demands which cannot always be covered by the functionalities of best rc helicopter buy sell market place the standard PoINT Storage Manager, PoINT also offers the implementation of specific product extensions or tools. If desired, the running of archive migration projects in close cooperation with PoINT is possible. Corresponding services, from project planning phase to realization and related support services, can be agreed individually.

About PoINT( PoINT Software & Systems GmbH, situated in Siegen, is specialized in the development of software products and sy remote control helicopter stems solutions for storage and management of data using all available mass storage technologies like hard disks, magnetic tapes and optical media. Close collaboration with leading hardware manufacturers enables an early support of new storage technologies. Besides these complete solutions PoINT also offers its know-how as toolkits, which can be easily integrated in other applications by the programming interface. Furthermore PoINT projects entire storage solutions and provides consultancy with its long-term and versatile experience. PoINT products are distributed by about 50 partners in more than 25 countries world-wide and have been installed successfully 1086274749  in more than 2 million installations. The PoINT product portfolio ranges from recording and duplication of CD/DVD and Blu-ray Discs, professional audio- and video recording to business critical network storage solutions.

Your Contacts: Carmen Kölsch Manager Marketing PoINT Software & Systems GmbH Eiserfelder Str. 316, 57080 Siegen Germany tel.: +49 271 3841-159 fax: +49 271 3841-151 marcom[at]point[dot]de

Nicole Körber good news! GmbH Kolberger Str. 36, 23617 Stockelsdorf Germany tel.: +49 451 88199-12 fax: +49 451 88199-29 nicole[at]goodnews[dot]de

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